While the Christmas Toy Shop wasn't as busy as we all would have liked, I think the 10 girls who made it to volunteer on Saturday, December 7, 2013 -- our best team turnout in four years! -- certainly got a taste of what it felt like to be good citizens and to help families in our community.
And this year, we got a bonus: the picture of the team -- including assistant coach Kelsey Pomerleau and this old man -- landed on Monday's front page of TampaBay.com, a.k.a., the digital version of the Tampa Bay Times. Thank you to Keaton's dad, Rob Pope, who took the group shot, and to Shorecrest's own Su Stevens for encouraging us to post a photo on Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #TampaBay Inspires, which apparently caught the newspaper's attention.
If you and your family would continue to help the Christmas Toy Shop (550 16th St N, St Petersburg, FL 33705 (727) 898-3962)
www.christmastoyshop.org/, here's how:
Donations are always welcome in the form of money, in-kind services, time or toys. All donations are tax deductible. Checks should be made out to The Christmas Toy Shop Project, Inc. The Toy Shop accepts new and gently used toy donations at door # 6, Monday through Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please no knives or guns.
You may also donate using Pay Pal.
Volunteers are always welcome during the hours Monday through Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to sort, wash, repair, paint and pack toys. This includes individuals, corporations, churches, community service clubs, students who need community service hours to fulfill Bright Futures requirements and anyone else who is interested.
Call 727-898-3962 or email toyshopelf@juno.com
-- Coach Bob Andelman