The Green and Gold Middle Division Soccer Teams celebrated the end of their season this Wednesday. As the girls enjoyed ice cream sundaes, they listened in as each player received a certificate of excellence. Afterwards, both teams passed out their Coach's Awards.
Wendy D. was the recipient for the Green Team and Madison H. for the Gold Team. These awards were followed by the awards voted on by the players themselves.
The Most Improved Award went to Naomi M. for the Green Team and Carly T. for the Gold Team.
Last, but certainly not least, the Most Valuable Player Award went to Olivia R. for the Green Team and Harsheen M. for the Gold Team.
Coaches Hutton and Conroy (Green) and Andelman and Dougherty want to thank all the parents for supporting the teams and especially the team parents, Sandy Epstein (Green) and Amy Friedman (Gold) for all their hard work, too!
All in all, it was a fantastic season!